About us

There are also many tourists from overseas.
I am very happy that many people visited ancient shrines and temples all over the country and put their hands together at the worship hall.
Also, I am very happy that you are interested in Japanese culture such as Zen meditation, calligraphy, festivals, and kimono.
Japan has nurtured a culture of rare cosmology, in which all things have souls, in other words, respect and appreciate all things in the universe, make their power your own, and coexist with them.

The project was initiated by a group of experienced professionals from various fields.
The purpose is to experience the power of Kotodama, which is one of the symbols of this mysterious world view, by entrusting it to symbols that have undergone ancient methods such as calligraphy and goma prayers.

By holding the kotodama entrusted to the kanji at hand and declaring its meaning and determination, you will surely feel the power of kotodama.

Thanks to cooperating Temple

Zenmasan-Sangoin-Shinshoji Temple provided us with a great deal of cooperation and greatly contributed to the dissemination of precious culture.

  • Organization Name : Zenmasan-Sangoin-Shinshoji
  • post code:224-0043
  • Address:8-14-12 Isogo, Isogo Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture,Japan
  • Web Page :shinsyouji.com

Members of the project

  • Planning and service quality provision: Senri Hakuraku Co., Ltd.
  • Composition: Yamamoto Kikaku Co., Ltd.
  • Public Relations: Hideya Komazawa

Business Responsibility Company Profile

  • Company name: Project May Inc.
  • Established: May 30, 2016
  • General Affairs/Head Office (as of July 2020) Kane Ikenohata, 2-2-10 Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0008
  • Representative: Representative Director Shojiro Shiraishi
  • Capital: 35 million yen
  • Settlement of accounts: September
  • Main products
  • 1. Speech Transcription System & Service MinutesMayker Series
  • 2. Products that utilize cutting-edge technologies such as AI technology and various prediction/prediction technologies
  • 3. walk recorder series
  • Children’s monitor “Kodomoni” codomoni
  • Monitor for adults “otomoni” otomoni
  • 4. Environmental measurement, especially good distribution practice in pharmaceutical distribution, environmental measurement and quality control consultation
  • 5. Mobile use around IoT and M2M
  • Web Page :Project・May Co.,Ltd