Privacy Policy

Our policy regarding registered personal information

Project may (hereafter called “the company”) specifies the privacy policy (hereafter called “the policy”) in handling the personal information provided on this website as follows;

Article 1 (Personal Information)
Personal information means the information specified by the Personal Information Protection Law and is related to the living individuals at present, whose name, birth date, address, telephone number, contacts and other specific information which verifies specific individual that includes appearance, fingerprints, voiceprints, as well as health insurance card insurer number, etc which identifies specific individuals by itself alone.

Article 2 (Collecting personal information)
We may ask users their personal information such as name, e-mail address, credit card number, etc. for user registration. Also, we may collect user’s personal information, including transaction records, payment information made between the user and partner companies through our partners (information provider, advertisers, ad distributors, etc., hereafter called “partner”).

Article 3 (Collection of personal information and the purpose of its use.)
The purposes of which we use user’s personal information are as follows:

  • to offer and operate our services
  • to respond to the inquires from users (including personal identification)
  • to send information mail to inform new functions, updates, campaigns of the services that users are currently using, and other services the company offers to the users.
  • to inform service maintenance and other important notices.
  • to verify the users who violates the terms of service, also identify the users who try to use the services for improper purposes and to refuse them to use the services
  • to let users to check, change, and delete their registration information and also view their usage status
  • to charge users for their use of the paid services
  • other purposes related above purpose of use.

Article 4 (Change the Purpose of use)
The company changes the purpose of use only when they admit the changes are related to the one before the change.
Once usage purposes are changed, the company notifies the users by the means specified by the company or posting the notice on the web.

Article 5 ((Disclosure of personal information to 3rd party))
The company do not disclose the personal information to the third party without obtaining user’s prior consent except when accepted by the Personal Information Protection Law:
  • When required for the protection of lives, protection of physical or financial reasons and is difficult to obtain one’s consent.
  • When required particularly for the public health improvement and promotion of health development of children and is difficult to obtain the consent from the user him/hers.
  • When we need to cooperate with National agency or local government or its affiliated agency carrying out their businesses stipulated by the law and having his/her consent is anticipated to interfere with the execution of business.
  • When making prior notification or announcement of the following matters and the company reported them to the personal information protection committee.
  • To include offering to the third party in the usage purposes.
  • Data to be disclosed to the third party.
    1. Measures or methods of disclosure to the third party.
    2. Suspension of providing the personal information to the third party according to the request from the user him/herself.
    3. How to accept the request from the user him/herself.
Regardless of what’s specified in the previous articles, the partner company will not be the third company which we provide the relevant information to in the following situations:
  • In case the company entrusts all or part of the personal information handling within the range required to achieve the usage purposes.
  • In case personal information is provided due to the succession of the business by the merger or other reasons.
  • When sharing the personal information with the specific people and notifying the details of personal information they share, range of the people who share the information, their purpose of use as well as the name of the person who is responsible for the management of the personal information, otherwise make them easy for users to access those information in advance,
Article 6 (Disclosure of Personal Information)
The company disclose the personal information without delay when they are asked by the user him/herself. However, they may not disclose the personal information entirely or partially when one of the following cases applies, and will inform the user when the company decided not to disclose without delay. Please note the company charges 1,000 yen each time they disclose the personal information. :
  • When there is a risk of harming the user’s or third party’s life, physical/financial and other rights and properties,
  • When there is a risk of interfering with our business operation,
  • Other cases which violates the law.
Regardless of what’s specified above, the company will not disclose the information other than the personal information such as history record and characteristic information as a general rule.

Article 7 (Correction and deletion of personal information)
User may request the correction, addition and deletion (hereafter called corrections, etc.) of personal information to the company if the personal information is incorrect by following the procedure specified by the company.
If the company is decided to meet the request from the user, the company correct the specified personal information without delay.
The company will inform the user without delay about the decision they make whether they make corrections or not according to the regulation specified above.

Article 8 (Suspension of using personal information)
If the company is requested to suspend or delete (hereafter called “suspension of use”) the personal information by the user due to the reason that the personal information is used for the purposes other than specified, or obtained by unauthorized means, the company carries out an investigation without delay.
Based on the investigation results as mentioned above, if they decided to respond the request, the company suspend the use of the specified personal information.
When the company suspended their services according to the regulation described above, or decided not to suspend the usage of the service, the company will notify it to the user without delay.
Regardless of Article 2, when the huge expense is required for the suspension, or other reasons when the service suspension is difficult and take alternative measures required for protecting the user’s rights, the company take alternative measures.

Article 9 (Change in privacy policy)
Content of this policy can be changed without giving the prior notice to the user unless otherwise speculated by law and specified in this policy.
The revised privacy policy have effect when the change is posted on this website unless otherwise specified by the company.

Article 10 (Contact)
Please contact us to the following e-mail address for the inquires regarding this privacy policy:
Email Address
that’s all